Dates and time references


Months of the year, days of the week and seasons

Below are the names of the months in Eurizian, which are always written with a capital letter.

English Eurizian English Eurizian
January Ianuario July Iulio
February Februario August Augusto
March Martio September Septembre
April Aprile October Octobre
May Maio November Novembre
June Iunio December Decembre

The following table shows the seven days of the week and the four seasons expressed in Eurizian

English Eurizian
Monday Lunidie
Tuesday Martidie
Wednesday Mercuridie
Thursday Iovidie
Friday Veneridie
Saturday Saturdie
Sunday Dominica
English Eurizian
Spring Vere
Summer Aestate
Autumn Autumno
Winter Hieme

 Dates and Time


Dates in Eurizian are expressed as follows:

number of the day expressed as a cardinal numeral followed by the name of the month  (with a capital initial) and the year also expressed as a cardinal.

Quae die est hodie? -> What day is today?

Example: Today is 29 January 1964 -> Hodie id est 29 Ianuario 1964 which we read: Hodie id est Viginti Novem Ianuario Mille Nongenti Sexaginta Quattuor;

26 March 2020 -> 26 Martio 2020 which we read: Viginti Sex Martio Duomilia Viginti.

Below are the terms needed to measure time in hours, minutes and seconds:

English Eurizian (singular) Eurizian (plural)
hour hora horas
minute minuto minutos
second secundo secundos

To ask the time:

 What time is it? -> Quae hora est ? or quoti hora est ?

To answer the question of what time it is

it is eleven twenty-five -> Id est undecim et viginti quinque ->

it is a quarter past eleven -> Id est undecim et quarto

it is eleven thirty -> id est undecim et dimidia

it is a quarter to eleven-> id est undecim minus quarto or id est quarto ad undecim

instead of "id est" one can also use the expression "hora est"

To fix an hour or give an appointment one uses the preposition ad+ the complementative of hora followed by the numeral :

ad quae (or ad quoti ) hora superceleri trajno ad Florentia discedebit? -> at what time will the high-speed train leave for Florence?

Trajno discedebit ad hora undecim et viginti quinque -> the train will leave at eleven twenty-five o'clock