As a first example of a declaimed text to make the sounds of the Eurizian language heard, we chose the "Prayer to God" from the "Treatise on Tolerance" written in 1763 by the great French philosopher Voltaire (François -Marie Arouet), one of the greatest European thinkers of all time. This passage is more topical than ever and expresses with intensity and lucidity some of the founding values of Western and in particular European society. At the top of this page you will find the button to listen to the audio file with the reading of the passage translated into Eurizian. Many thanks to our dear friend Nicholas Eurigo who lent his voice for the reading of the passage. Continuing on this page, you will find the text of the same song written in a bilingual version: in the english  version and in the Eurizian language version. Enjoy listening!

As a second example of a declaimed text in Euriziano, we chose the poem ‘l'infinito’ by the Italian poet Giacomo Leopardi. Below is the audio file and the original text in Italian with the corresponding translation into Euriziano.